Every party member in Octopath Traveler has a special ability that allows them to interact with NPCs throughout the…
Vampyr’s combat might not be good, but its world is full of intrigue and difficult decisions. As fledgling vampire…
Sometimes in Assassin’s Creed Origins, you’ll have to cross a body of water and you won’t have a boat. Fortunately,…

Non player characters can lead pretty dramatic lives. One couple from Watch Dogs 2 manages to go from being the…
In my game of The Sims 4, there’s an NPC named Bruce Biggs. I first met him as he wandered over to a park bench,…

Patience is a virtue, people.

In the newest Hitman level, there’s this guy. He’s smoking a cigarette and taking in the view, reminiscing about…
Near the entrance to your base in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, two young cyber-runner rebels have taken the aphorism…

If you want immediately murder someone in the newest Hitman episode, you can do that. You can also just stand around…

If you come across a group of three bad guys in Far Cry Primal, two of them will attack. The third guy usually…
In the Hitman beta, there’s this cook. He’s hanging out, doing his job, fixing up a nice pot of soup. Little does he…
In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, there’s a guy whose entire job is to stand on a boat and get knocked into a river.…