When PlayStation Now first launched, in 2015, it was more confusing than enticing. On paper, it was meant to be a…
There have been a lot of video games released over the years that feature sharks, but not as many let you play as…
If you played games in the early 2000s, you probably did so on a Game Boy Advance. First introduced in 2001 as a…
For a couple of years, I ran multiplayer Kotaku Game Nights in bars and pubs around London and Brighton, UK. We’d…
So you just bought a new PC VR system. Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, whichever. You’ve plugged it in, adjusted the cameras,…
Couch co-op games tend to be more intimate than competitive multiplayer games; when it’s just you and a friend or…
Hey, look! A sleek computer with a piece of fruit embossed on it. Contrary to popular belief, there’s loads of games…
I’ve spent months kicking this “Best” around. Considering all types of space lasers and sniper weapons and…
From karate chops to roundhouse kicks, cinema has seen its share of martial arts fights. Now, it’s time to look at…
Bang! Bang! For years now, movie makers have been thrilling audiences with blazes of bullets. Some shootouts are…
Over the past decade, video game trailers have gone from blurry little montages bundled on magazine cover discs to a…
There are a lot of good scenes in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This one is my favorite.
Since Final Fantasy III fans of Square’s storied role-playing series have been calling forth primal forces to do…
You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
A collection of some of the finest video games set during the Second World War
Here is a fact: There are a lot of incredible cities in Japanese role-playing games. From the simplicity of Pallet…
There’s never been a better time to play games on PC. Not only does the PC get the lion’s share of the best new…
I was re-watching Patlabor 2 the other day, and there’s a scene in that movie that I just can’t get out of my head.
Since its foundation in 1985, Studio Ghibli has released over 20 feature films. Some of these have become animation…