On the most recent episode of Shall We Play a Game?, my podcast with former NPR producer and correspondent JJ…
Tale of Tales, who most recently released the excellent Sunset—but who were also behind games like The Path and The…

Angela Burnes left Baltimore in 1972 looking for freedom. Things would be different in Latin America, she thought.…

Last week, I had a chance to play a war game unlike any other I've played. Called Sunset, the game puts you in the…
Forget Call of Duty—it seems like the era of unique, fascinating games about war is underway. Case-in-point: Sunset,…
The page is called TMI. We were bound to tackle sex eventually.
Tale of Tales isn't the kind of indie dev to over-explain their artistic creations and I'm not the kind of person…
I'm ashamed to admit how anxiously I've awaited indie developer Tale of Tale's new game, Fatale. After all, I'm…
As a nice Jewish girl, I don't know much about the New Testament; but a game based on a biblical chick who dances…
Gamasutra has a fabulous postmortem up — easily one of the best I've read — on Tale of Tales' The Graveyard.