On May 20, 2003, Sony Online Entertainment launched PlanetSide, one of the earliest massively multiplayer…
PlanetSide 2 for the PlayStation 4 is still a thing that is happening, and it’s happening June 23. Daybreak Game Company details the upcoming console launch of the free-to-play massively multiplayer online shooter over at the PlayStation Blog.
Launching a game is hard. So what happens when you release a high-profile title with the world watching and things…
After almost twenty years, the Sony Online Entertainment studio is no longer part of Sony. Sounds like we'll be…
Ten years ago today, Sony Online Entertainment released the follow-up to the game that put massively-multiplayer…
Three of the biggest gaming services on the planet have been down for parts of the weekend, with DDoS attacks…
American Airlines has diverted a flight carrying the president of Sony Online Entertainment following what may have…
When you don't pay for your domain names, you lose your website. It doesn't matter if you're a mommy blogger or Sony…
![Watch Sony's New Zombie MMO In Action [UPDATE]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/v1jj7isszlvqg7k85qj5.jpg)
Sony is continuing its semi-crowdsourced campaign to help develop and promote its new zombie MMO H1Z1 with a series…

Sony Online Entertainment is making its very own massive multiplayer online (MMO) zombie game, SOE head John Smedley…

Everquest Next Landmark, everyone's favorite voxel-based multiplayer mining and building simulator, is entering…

On March 16, 1999, Sony invited players to venture into the world of Norrath for the first time. EverQuest has been…
The next generation of EverQuest inches closer with the official launch of the EverQuest Next Landmark alpha test. Invitations to test the building portion of Sony Online Entertainment's two-pronged MMO revamp will be going out later today. Keep a keen eye on your inbox. Read more
Citing the need to refocus its resources in other areas, Sony Online Entertainment today announced the impending…
DC Universe Online's next DLC means nothing without playable cats. In The War of the Light Part 1, players meet the hopeful Blue Lanterns and take on the rage-fueled powers of the Red Lanterns, but f they can't be the greatest of the Red Lanterns, then what's the point? Read about all the… Read more

With two of Sony Online Entertainment's massively multiplayer online games already PlayStation 4 bound, it makes…

DC Universe Online is not a PlayStation 4 original. It's not a recently-released big budget third-party title. It's…
Magic: The Gathering—Tactics will be taken offline on March 28, says Sony Online Entertainment. Card packs for the game, which launched in 2011, will no longer be available after Nov. 18. There's more about the shutdown in this FAQ.

Sony Online Entertainment is bringing both PlanetSide 2 and the already-on-PS3 DC Universe Online to the PlayStation 4 later this year. That's two downloadable free-to-play MMOs right out of the starting gate.