About a year and a half ago, Pandemic Studios - you may remember them for Full Spectrum Warrior, Mercenaries and…
There's a really good chance that neither of these games will ever see the light of day.
What seemed great on paper — a World War II game like nothing else, with sophisticated artistry to boot — had to be…
Readers of Kotaku can discern this week that EA CEO John Riccitiello covered many topics during his recent interview…
According to game site Bitmob, this trailer for Mercenaries Inc., a multiplayer entry in the Mercenaries franchise…
Last week Electronic Arts put a bullet in the head of Pandemic Studios, putting many of their 200 staff out of…
Early this morning we broke the news that Electronic Arts planned to close down Pandemic Studios, laying off 200.…
Pandemic Studios - the developers behind Star Wars: Battlefront and Mercenaries - will today be closed down by…
The build I played of The Saboteur this week was a month old, so if I had fun and was impressed, what does that mean?
While I was playing an early PlayStation 3 version of EA's December World War II game, The Saboteur, yesterday, I…
Pandemic Studios Brisbane closed earlier this year. The embedded clip features the game's working title, No Limits…
In the face of rumors that Pandemic's Brisbane, Australia studio has been let go, Electronic Arts said today that…
Electronics Arts has shuffled off Pandemic Studios' Brisbane office, a reliable source tells Kotaku. The Australian…
The Dark Knight is out. Where's the game? In an interview with G4 TV, thespian Gary Oldman let it slip that a Dark…