With NBA Elite 11 indefinitely postponed, EA Sports promised to continue supporting NBA Live 10 with a fully updated…
Just one week before it was scheduled to hit shelves, EA Sports on Monday indefinitely delayed NBA Elite 11 for the…
EA Sports picked one hell of a day to confirm its NBA title's name change. Not like anyone will remember today for Mi…
Earlier today, the NBA Live page on Facebook put up that image, and the answer seems to be "What is the new name of…
Do you know what's in the free DLC EA Sports just rolled for NBA Live 10? Do you know? Do you know? Do you know?…
With at least one potential game of the year exclusively nesting on the Playstation 3 and a price drop under its…
New Halo, new downloadables for Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Grand Theft Auto, new Forza. It was a pretty good year…
Because of exclusive arrangements and wide disparities in quality, pro basketball is really the only sports title…
The NBA's opening day tomorrow means also the beginning of NBA Live 10's Dynamic Season, in which real-life results…
NBA Live 10 opens with Dwight Howard and a dramatic reading about the meaning of revival. Of course it refers to…
NBA Live 10's tracklist was revealed today, showing the scratch-my-back nature of EA Sports soundtracks. Some tunes…
Hey, basketball fans. Here's the first trailer for EA's NBA Live 10. As someone who last played an NBA Live game in…
See Orlando Magic center Dwight "Superman" Howard's eyes light up like a kid at Christmas as he sees his NBA Live 10
EA Sports today released the first screenshot for NBA Live 10, featuring King James soaking up the adoration of his…
EA couldn't wait until the finals were over to name the NBA Live 10 cover athlete, naming Orlando Magic center Dwigh…