Nintendo’s original Wii is as peculiar a video game console as it is a successful one. Its story has some…
Nintendo’s original Wii is as peculiar a video game console as it is a successful one. Its story has some…
I played the Wii for the first time at a trade show in Leipzig, Germany. The consoles were set up in tents, shielded…
This is the Leap Motion Controller. I'm pretty sure it's the future.
Transformers Prime for the Wii U isn't a particularly spectacular game, but it does hint at big things to come for…
Powered by Unreal Engine 3, Vivid Games' Real Boxing is not just another pretty face waiting to be beaten into…
Normally comedy team Mega64 deploys just one of its members into public to act as a video game character. For The…
People fortunate to survive a stroke face a hard road to recovering their full mental and physical capabilities.…
I have this silly daydream of a Kinect-enabled baseball game. In it, you can call for your runner to steal by going…
Head- and eye-tracking will be the next big breakthrough in motion-controlled gaming. Forza Motorsport 4 will deliver it…
Sony gives SOCOM fans a chance to gear up for the new age of motion-controlled shooters with the $150 Full…
In 2006, before Kinect and maybe even before Wii, gamer Niel de la Rouviere decided to make a motion-controller…
This video by Vimeo user David Ghent shows what it looks like when New Year's (Eve?) is mixed with alcohol, Xbox…
Yesterday Microsoft posted an impressive 2.5 million Kinect units sold worldwide since the device went on sale…
The PS3 is good for motion gaming and "sitting gaming," everyone's fave fake exec says in his latest ad, published…
The PlayStation Move, like a Wii Remote bolstered by Motion Plus is supposed to tolerate people who stop pointing…
But, said Sony's top marketing officer, they look down their nose at Nintendo's motion control, and that's why the…
You've heard all about Project Natal, but Microsoft's 3D motion controller solution would have fallen completely…
EA Sports doesn't sound enthusiastic about integrating Project Natal or PlayStation Move motion control into its FIFA…
The PlayStation Move thrives in darkness, could enable a new kind of Greek god game, has 10 hours of battery life, a…
The man behind the most advanced video game swordplay available today says the time is now right — and the…