The head of the Entertainment Software Association, Michael Gallagher, will be meeting with vice president Joe Biden…
Some of us think that 2011 was a good year for video games because Arkham City, Skyrim and the new Zelda weren't…
Video games need a top ten list. Movies have them, music has them, but the video game industry still hasn't found a…
Entertainment Software Association president Michael Gallagher has issued a plea to the Texas state government to…
ESA top dawg Michael Gallagher took home more than $800,000 in cash and prizes in his first year on the job,…
Well, that National Post thing went out the door at little early, so in return I give you a look at another story…
Technology columnist Mike Musgrove got Entertainment Software Association CEO Michael Gallagher on the horn (we got…
Over the past month the Entertainment Software Association has lost a number of high profile members, acknowledged…