Call of Duty big. Medal of Honor bigger (depending on how you count).
2002's Medal of Honor and 2017's Call of Duty: WW2 have very similar intros (a nice touch, given CoD’s lineage). So…

I’ve spent months kicking this “Best” around. Considering all types of space lasers and sniper weapons and…
Anderson Silva is arguably the greatest mixed martial artist who ever lived. He has a highlight reel of knockouts…
Call of Duty's original working title was "Medal of Honor Killer," reports GameSpot. Mission accomplished, I'd say.
Danger Close—the studio that made EA’s two modern-day Medal of Honor games—has been dissolved. A report on Develop seems to hint that at least some members of the former studio are being absorbed elsewhere within EA. Read more
Esquire's fascinating profile of the SEAL Team Six member who killed Osama bin Laden, and his struggles to adapt to…
EA is putting Medal of Honor on hold after the disappointing Warfighter, the publisher said during an earnings call.
Before it was taken down, a PlayStation blog post said Medal of Honor's "Zero Dark Thirty" map pack arrives Dec. 18.
Few games understand the true meaning of being a bro. Being a bro is more than being a burly man in a group of…
Throughout the lead-up to its launch, Medal of Honor: Warfighter touted its authenticity as a modern-day military…
That's EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau, speaking earlier today during Electronic Arts' latest earnings presentation.…
We're not EA customer service, but sometimes shedding a little light on silly stuff like this can help get results.…
Welcome back to "Backhanded Box Quotes," a collection of measured, thoughtful criticism from the user reviews of…
Medal of Honor: Warfighter was supposed to be the big military shooter of the fall. Or at least, of the fall until…