Before the folks at Toy Notch got in touch with me about checking out their latest figures, I had nearly forgotten…
Before the folks at Toy Notch got in touch with me about checking out their latest figures, I had nearly forgotten…
Lost Planet 2 is one of those games time simply stomped all over then punched out of your memory, but with a sequel…
Godzilla and his atomic breath are one of the most recognizable metaphors for the atomic bombings of WWII—and…
We've got another Massive Black artist for you today, which is always a treat. Coro Kaufman is one of the studio's…
I was only mildly impressed with this pair of cosplayers' efforts to recreate a scene from Capcom's Lost Planet 2,…
Think you are excited about Sony's upcoming portable, the NGP? You're not alone. Game developers are apparently…
Previously unlockable only by having older game saves on your console's hard drive, a generous Capcom has divulged…
Capcom took a big spinning bird kick, right in the profits, which were down 90.4 percent. Ouch! Part of the blame…
Capcom's profits for the April-June quarter were down an astonishing 90.4%. A lack of AAA hits and the fact nobody…
Capcom is delivering more downloadable content to Lost Planet 2 next month, with a special Rush Arena mode…
Capcom's action role-playing game Monster Hunter Frontier features plenty of opportunities for players to catch…
It's time to return to E.D.N. III, the beautiful land of giant, heat-giving insects that serves as the backdrop of…
With Resident Evil, Gears of War, Monster Hunter, and Dead Rising already represented in cameo form in Capcom's…
Lost Planet squared. That's what Capcom want us to call their latest dip into the universe of E.D.N. III, snow…
The male pirates of Lost Planet 2 multiplayer are generally covered head-to-toe in protective body armor. The…
Lost Planet 2 isn't just a third-person shooter with a robust storyline and oodles of online gameplay options, it's…
Join me and countless Japanese players online today, with the wide-release of the latest Lost Planet 2 multiplayer…
Lost Planet was all about the snow and ice. Lost Planet 2 mixes things up a bit with some jungle combat. But it…
While Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 was certainly the biggest news to come out of last week's Capcom-centric game gathering,…