When you think of guns in video games, you think of assault rifles, plasma rifles, rocket launchers or machine guns.…
I know what you're thinking. It's Friday. Gun Week must be over, right? Or do we have one more post in the barrel,…
If a video game contains guns, does it also contain bullets? Not necessarily. Well, not necessarily — get this —…
Meet the Heavy and ignore, for a minute his massive weight loss instead listening to his monologue about his gun,…
If I learned anything from Unreal Tournament, it's that two automatic pistols are better than one, and holding…
In many genres, the gun is the point where the gamer meets the game, making it the single most important element in…
Sometimes, the obsession with guns in video games gets ridiculous. So we're celebrating acts of "gunfusion." Here…
So many games, so many guns. Most are good, but some have to be the best, and it's only the best that we've decided…
The man who invented home video games may have known more about real guns than any other game creator in history.…
In Dallas, last month, I spotted a big inflatable igloo. It had been erected by a company called Microvision on the…
Whether you're seriously low on ammo or just want to make someone's life completely miserable, there's nothing quite…
Somewhere between a light gun and a 3D mouse things went sideways over at peripheral maker Novint's laboratories.…
What was the first video game gun? There are three ways to try to answer that question.
What's it look like to get shot in a video game? The portrait of pain has been changing over the years. We took a…
Sometimes, the obsession with guns in video games gets ridiculous. So we're celebrating acts of "gunfusion." The…
Armed with M-4 automatic rifles, swathed in body armor and combat fatigues, the five man U.S. Special Forces…
As mentioned in our recent History of Headshots article, the 2000 video game Soldier of Fortune was a pioneer — a…
Long before there were video games about people shooting one another in war, there were wars with people shooting…
A lot of people loved killing zombies in the original Dead Rising. But almost just as many hated using guns to do…
In game after game, there they are: guns. Weapons are a common trope. They are a catalyst for action and an…