From baseball cards to photographs of cat mummies, here's where to find every note in the Marshal College level
And it is called, wait for it, the Gaming Mattress
Swedish designer Love Hulten is behind this very Scandinavian, very lovely coffee table. That just so happens to…
Just because you are a bigger-than-normal person doesn’t mean you can’t get a gaming chair that looks and feels like…
Tetris-inspired furniture may not be new, but in this case, it's never looked better.
Video game décor, 'tis a tricky thing, it is. On one hand, who wouldn't want Mega Man wall hangings and Pac-Man…
The best part about this Kinect-powered armchair? Microsoft's going to release the source code for it. Shown off…
The original Nintendo Entertainment System controller is a thing of beauty, an exercise in simple elegance and…
Matt, the guy who built the stunning, giant-size Nintendo Entertainment System coffee table we showed you about a…
Having sufficiently mourned the passing of that pinball machine you've nurtured over the years, until it finally,…
Classy coffee tables are classy, but also boring. What they need is exactly what this one has: a cleverly-disguised…
Did you get your Space Invaders couch? Because now there's a $130 Space Invaders coffee table to match it. Seen on…
Designer and motorcycle enthusiast Igor Chak's Space Invaders couch concept, which exists in the virtual world until…
Outfitted with iPad docks on both sides, four speakers and a 250W amp. As seen on Furniture World via Born Rich via …
Somehow I went from discussing reviewing the neat little bean bag chairs Sumo provides to events like the recent…
Way back in early September during the Penny Arcade Expo, Kotaku alumnus Adam Barenblat and I met Robert Gifford, a…
Finally a solution for gamers who want to game but just don't have the upper body strength to support their own…
WebUrbanist has compiled an interesting list of game-themed furniture that includes everything from Pac-Man chairs…
Slipping right under Namco Bandai's legal radar (until right now, we guess), Italian designer QAYOT has made this…
With over 140 million PlayStation 2s walking the earth, surely their must be one or two that have broken down. Maybe…