Over the last few years, I’ve started playing more difficult video games. Unfortunately, tough video games tend to…
This week, Destiny 2 got a big machine gun that chews through aliens while summoning lightning from the sky. It’s…
Hello all you bags of Internet horror meat, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only outlaw dating advice column…
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption 2 are both big open-world games, and they both came out in October…
From tip to tail, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a profound, glorious downer. It is the rare blockbuster video game that…
Of the many differences between last year’s Assassin’s Creed Origins and this year’s Odyssey, the changes to…
One could be forgiven for thinking Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was an action-packed mix of 300 and Wonder Woman, all…
Destiny 2: Forsaken has been out for almost a month. That’s been long enough to get a sense of which weapons are…
Shit has finally gotten real in the Dreaming City, as Bungie has made good on its promises to regularly introduce…
Would you like to see a sidearm called “The Last Dance”? How about four? How about yet another set of Tangled Web…
Destiny 2’s new expansion, Forsaken, turns the game into something that people can play as much as they want without…
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
Today Nintendo hosted its first Direct presentation in a while, announcing a lot of Switch and 3DS ports, teasing…
Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion introduces a lot of new stuff to the game, but the most significant addition is a new…
In the PS4’s very good new Spider-Man game, Peter Parker spends a lot of time web-swinging through Manhattan in…
If you notice an unusual number of players using hand cannons in Destiny 2 this week, it’s because they’re probably…
Last night, with the help of the Internet, I found and completed a harrowing challenge in Destiny 2’s new Forsaken…
“They’re totally gonna nerf this,” I said into my headset mic. The words just spilled out before I even realized…
One of the best things about Hollow Knight is how often it makes you feel like you’ve uncovered a secret. There was…
Destiny 2 is getting a big expansion next week, and some lapsed players are thinking about coming back to the game.…