Zombie Studios, opened all the way back in 1994, has closed its doors. Best known for its work on the original Spec Ops games and Blacklight series, Zombie also did a lot of licensed stuff, from Zork games to Saw. Read more
Seems designer Clint Hocking (Far Cry 2), formerly of Ubisoft and Lucasarts, is now formerly of Valve as well.
Timegate studios, the co-developers of the awful Aliens: Colonial Marines, are in serious financial trouble. Filing…
Ambient Studios, the guys behind the very promising Death Inc, have had to close their doors. Bummer. Read more
We've heard from a couple of sources that EA is cutting jobs today with estimates of as much as 10% of the…
Sega's Australian development studio, once known as Creative Assembly Australia and responsible for games like…
Codemasters is laying off 80 workers at its HQ, but says the job losses won't affect titles like F1 and GRID.
How would you like to be fired? Do you want to go out in a take-this-job-and-shove-it blaze of glory? Would you like…
The Halifax division of HB Studios, the Canadian group of developers behind numerous sports video games, is closing,…
On the very day the deal was publicly announced which saw the rights to the UFC franchise pass from THQ to EA, the…
Eden Games, makers of the Test Drive series, staged a symbolic one-day walkout last year when Atari moved forward on…
A restructuring in light of steep losses for the quarter ending today means that a lot of people at Sega of America…
Pub trivia fans and those looking for an example of just how cut-throat the video game industry can be, take a look…
Following big releases, staff usually gets axed. That appears to be the case in the laying off of about 60 from…
Today, Gameforge, the German-based publisher of browser-based video games, laid off 100 workers in a restructuring…
A rumour on 1UP reckons that nearly 75% of the staff at Too Human developers Silicon Knights have been laid off,…
We hear about video game studios closing down - and people losing their jobs as a result - all the time. But have…
Visceral Games, the team behind the Dead Space series, had a small studio based in Melbourne, Australia. That studio…
THQ's big-time bloodletting back in August meant the end of its Brisbane, Australia studio and scuttled the…
Despite (finally) shipping a successful product, it seems allegations of shoddy work practices and claims that no…