It's not news that you can get a plastic gun to play a video game where you get to shoot other human beings. It is…
Yes, a bowling ball for your PS3. Take that Dude.
In multiplayer shooters, I'm the worst, and peripherals offer the seductive idea of an advantage. CTA Digital's…
Our favorite Brooklyn-based wacky video game peripheral maker, CTA Digital, will be showing off their latest…
Alright, maggots, here is how you inspect, assemble and clean your Move-compatible Assault Rifle Controller, from…
The people at CTA Digital keep making wacky video game peripherals that keep us laughing. Because the PlayStation…
Your PS3 controller is shaped like a big plastic mustache. Ours is shaped like a gun. This is a $65 PS3 Assault…
The brothers Markowitz at CTA Digital let Totilo inside their Wonkaland of Wii peripherals last November and…
Last year, a patent was uncovered for a Wii football. It had been designed by Nintendo, and yet, it was stupid.…
CTA Digital, makers of Wii bowling balls, tennis rackets and pool cues, aren't content with cornering the market on…
I sat in a blue room on Monday, surrounded by what some hardcore gamers might call artifacts of absurdity.
From CTA Digital, creators of the Wii Bowling Ball, comes an innovative steering wheel controller and stand for the…