Capy, makers of Critter Crunch, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes and Sword & Sworcery, wish you a happy holidays with…
In addition to a dash of freshly uploaded content, the North American PlayStation Store is also home to new, amazing…
The cute-and kinda gross-puzzler that's had iPhone users bursting bugs for sometime now, finally infects the PlayStat…
Personally long awaited puzzler Critter Crunch cutes up the PlayStation Network this Thursday, bringing those…
Capybara Games' Critter Crunch for the PlayStation Network has more than just barf appeal, as one can glean from the…
I was initially drawn to "Critter Crunch" by its unique art style, but once I picked up the controller I was sucked…
PlayStation 3 owners can gorge themselves on high-definition puzzle fun with Critter Crunch, officially announced…