The Revive team, a group of Battlefield devotees who have worked hard for over three years to let fans keep playing…
Battlefield Heroes, my favourite Battlefield game, died an inglorious death when it tried to walk a free-to-play…

While most free-to-play games are garbage, regardless of the platform, sometimes one of them sneaks past your…
Battlefield Heroes and several other games are shutting down on July 14, according to a post by Electronic Arts. The free-to-play take on Battlefield never really caught on, and the company admits it’s “an older title that is not as popular as it once was.” Read more

Can't it be both? Coming soon to iOS and Android, Blitz Brigade is a team-based online multiplayer shooter. It's…
There is plenty of room in our gaming lives for more Battlefield 3, more Bad Company and many more military…

Ahem. Well, back in July, we were introduced to Final Combat, China's homage to ripoff of Team Fortress 2. The…

I will play any game that pits the forces of magic against (relatively) modern military forces. Battlefield Heroes…

Chinese shooter Final Combat, an unsubtle, shameless swipe of two other free-to-play games—Valve's Team Fortress 2…

So Final Combat, China's seemingly shameless rip-off of Team Fortress 2, isn't as shameless as we first thought. I…
Whether planned retirement (or, more likely, hounded into disbanding), Lulzsec, the unlovable clowns behind hack…

EA's free-to-play online Battlefield Heroes game is filled with players running about in ridiculous outfits…
A few years back, it seemed in-game advertising was going to ruin everything. That...hasn't really happened, with EA…

It's December! And the holiday season is kicking into high gear, and Battlefield Heroes is getting all festive.

Most of the very best games on the PC need you to cough up at least a little cash, but if you absolutely must game…

Battlefield Heroes, the zany, free-to-play combat game from EA DICE has a new map, a new game mode to play on it,…
Electronic Arts tells Kotaku that while they're exploring different downloadable game strategies, they do not plan…
With public interest in free-to-play shooter Battlefield Heroes at critical levels following EA's controversial…

When night falls in the free-to-play shooter Battlefield Heroes, out come the creatures of the night with the…