Barack Obama, the 44th President of The United States Of America, a 57 year-old man and father of two, does not care…
This afternoon, U.S. president Barack Obama took interviews with a few YouTube celebrities, and hey wait a minute…

What anime could you see Obama watching? Kill la Kill? Sailor Moon? Swimming Anime?

The deadline for getting health insurance through Obamacare is February 15, and the White House has enlisted heavy…

POTUS vs Samus. The Commander-in-Chief vs. the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter. Who wins? Let's watch.

Back in 2011, Polish prime minister Donald Tusk gave U.S. president Barack Obama a copy of The Witcher 2, because…
With all those recent classic movie remakes he's a bit late, but in Dorkly's latest illustration Barack Obama…

Is the United States government really building Iron Man? Is the president trying to disarm us with one of those…

Earlier this month, president Barack Obama mentioned Microsoft's Xbox as a way to frame the government shutdown.…

In case you were confused about the Democrats' position re: the ongoing U.S. government shutdown—namely that they…

Grand Theft Auto Online is facing post-launch glitches and headaches. Government shutdown shmutdown, the GTA Online…
In a desperate attempt at tying its products in with current events, EA Mobile grabbed some key words from President…