This is Michael “Knightmage” Wilson as Afro Samurai. The outfit is great, but it’s that cel-shaded make-up that…
The first installment of the Afro Samurai 2 video game is horrible. The Game Bakers’ newly-announced Furi, featuring…
Namco Bandai today released their Q1 2010 earnings report. And buried amidst the boring money stuff (net sales are…
When Namco Bandai yanked the modern-day Splatterhouse from developers BottleRocket, it was met with boos and hisses…
Hip-hop sensibilities and anime style clash in Afro Samurai, a hack and slash brawler based on the cult-hit…
The RZA is in Wu-Tang. And the Wu-Tang Clan ain't, if you must be reminded, nothin' to fuck with. So when the RZA…
Namco Bandai Games christens their new western games division Surge with the release of Afro Samurai for the Xbox…
Church's Chicken, home of quite possibly the best fast-food fried chicken on the planet, has teamed up with Namco…
Sure he doesn't quite pronounce Namco Bandai correctly, but he doesn't need to. He's Samuel L. Jackson, and when he…
I love the art style. I love the music. The gameplay looks pretty interesting, to say the least. I'm a bit put off…
Namco Bandai Games has Japan locked down with Gundam, Tekken, Tales and Tamogotchi, but now it wants you, John Q.…
Live action samurai versus ninja fights aside, the Afro Samurai presentation at yesterday's Namco Bandai presser was…
Click to view The sudden appearance of a fro-stachioed samurai on the stage during Namco-Bandai's presentation this…
Ah, Fall 2008. It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, because early on in a year, Fall 2008 seems to be the…
Namco Bandai treated Comic-Con attendees to a playable — but all too brief — demo of Afro Samurai, the Xbox 360 and…
Afro Samurai will be demoed to the public for the first time at this week's Comic-Con International in San Diego,…
My very last E3 appointment was at Namco Bandai on Thursday afternoon, and while the majority of my time was spent…
These three videos show you the two types of power-ups in this hip-hop slasher. You've got the basic "In Focus"…
Bandai Namco just sent over a batch of fresh screenshots for Afro Samurai. The upcoming hip-hop, Samurai,…