How does a series known for the twisted psychological horror of its single-player campaign translate into a…
Speaking of eyes, way to go Kotaku readers. By picking out that piece of profanity from the last batch of screenshots
I got an extended look at Hello Kitty Online yesterday and today I woke up with an infection of super-cute screen…
There are three things going on with Hello Kitty Online that render me completely unable to look away.
In the most exciting news out of the Game Developers Conference so far this morning, Sanrio Digital and Aeria Games…
Aeria Games welcomes same sex couples to their free-to-play online game Dream of Mirror Online, easing restrictions…
Aeria Games, the online gaming operator responsible for titles like Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online and Dream of…
According to countless tips from our beloved readers, Aeria Games has sent out their first round of invites to the…
Great news for those MegaTen fans who haven't just sucked it up and learned Japanese by now, Aeria Games has…