In his weekly column in this week's Weekly Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai wrote about the changing forms of media technology. In particular, the article talked of the release of new digital readers and the advance to digital media from paper media.
One upcoming tech in particular that Sakurai predicted would be a success is the VR headset, namely, the Oculus Rift. Sakurai writes:
"I experienced the 'Oculus Rift' VR goggles. You'd have to experience it for yourself to understand, so I won't say much here, but I'm certain it'll be a hit in the near future. This, too, is a difference in [the nature of] media"
"'Oculus Rift'というVRゴーグルを体験しました。体験しないとわからないので、あまり多くは語らないですが、近い将来きっと来ますよ。これもメディアの差。"
Growing up in the 80's and watching the rapid advancement of digital technology over the years, Sakurai reflected that the rise in specs has led to a sort of convergence where differences between different platforms like cell phones and game consoles have begun to disappear.
Perhaps because the Wii U is fundamentally different in concept compared with other rival game consoles that he brought up, Sakurai also noted that as a player, he preferred having different ways in which to play and enjoy games. "Having a difference between consoles based on unique features is more fun." Sakurai remarks. "Rather than having technology converge as it becomes more advanced, I'd rather have things broaden and spread out for a market with many stimulating choices."
I agree with the sentiment that having multiple good choices can make for a more enriching and enjoyable experience... Just so long as the choices themselves are good.
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