I don't want to tell you how to spend your money, but don't ever spend thirty bucks of it paying someone else to upgrade the firmware on your PlayStation 3. (I'll show you how to do it for free!)
One Best Buy in Staten Island, New York is offering Geek Squad services to upgrade the firmware on all new 120GB PlayStation 3s for the low price of just $29.99, according to a report from DualShockers. That's a tactic we're unfortunately familiar with.
According to the in-store ad, the firmware upgrade—which is mandatory, but simple to perform on your own—will make systems "run smoother" and "eliminates bugs and glitches." The unadvertised side of this is that it also takes about five minutes to do on your own, as most informed PlayStation 3 owners know.
Better still, it's free to download via the PlayStation Network or from PlayStation.com. Yes, it takes moments of your time and the dexterity to hit the correct buttons when prompted, but I'm sure you can format a USB stick and stick it into your PS3 without much trouble. Just follow these simple instructions.
Look, I hate upgrading my PS3 firmware to add features I never use as much as the next guy. But this a waste of money.
Best Buy Sells Free PS3 Upgrades [DualShockers - thanks, Kyle!]