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The Last of Us: Remastered's New Photo Mode Is Fantastic

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Give people the power to stage their own screenshots, as The Last of Us: Remastered does, and something magical happens. Artistic, even.

Folks like AlphaPot, who snapped the stern-looking Joel above, are putting the new photo mode to good use. Sometimes this means taking pictures of ridiculous things like Joel's teeth. But most of the time, people take advantage of better angles, graphics and filters to stage great scenes in The Last of Us.

Here's a small selection of some of my favorite screenshots taken using the new photo mode that I've seen floating around the web.


(Via stokens)

(Via a_stray_bullet)

(Via TheVloginator)

(Via cstemple)

(Via chadthewad)

(Via Kopoop)


Some screenshots are particularly creative. This collection by thehammerofthor72, for example, pretends Ellie took the time to snap a selfie during key (read: inappropriate) moments of The Last of Us. You know, like a real teen would.

Hiking through the woods with the old man. He looked at this picture and said that J.J. Abrams would be proud of my lens flare. I have no idea what the fuck that means. #whatevs #thewoods

About to go fuck shit up in the graveyard. Joel won't smile for my pictures. #grumps #endureandsurvive

Okay... bear with me here, I'm gonna try out a new sexy face. Does this one work? #ooohsosexy #duckface

Okay, this is fucked up. I just saved Joel's ass and he yelled at me. #bullshit


You can check out more Ellie selfies right here—they're kind of hilarious.

Not every screenshot is super serious, of course...

(Via timarcher)

What about you, have you taken any good screenshots in The Last of Us: Remastered? Make sure to share in the comments.