Because it just got a rather substantial price drop, just in time for a last minute stocking stuffer. What was $59.99 at launch, just two weeks ago, is now a mere $39.99 at GameStop. Eek!
We'd think that a drop that fast and of that much doesn't bode well for Prince of Persia's sales, but we just work here. And Prince of Persia's not the only game being slashed right before the holidays. Ubisoft's EndWar and Far Cry 2 — the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions — have also been reduced to just $39.99.
Yikes. If this does reflect tepid sales — and not GameStop just throwing away twenty bucks per sale for kicks — we'd hope Ubisoft is one of the publishers reevaluating the timing of some of its 2009 releases.
Farcry 2/Prince of Persia Ps3 (maybe 360?) Price Drop @ GS - $39.99 [CAG]