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GayGamer's Pic with 'Booth Bear' Cops 2nd in 'Lust' Promo

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GayGamer.Net's PixelPoet had a novel response to the "Sin to Win" fiasco at Comic-Con - send a shot of himself with a burly booth dude. Turns out he got runner-up.

For the same-sex picture, taken at PAX last year, he won a prize package that included a limited-edition T-shirt and a voucher good for $240 at the Electronic Arts Store. In an email back to EA, he declined the cash chit with a few suggestions of better uses to which they could put the dough:

1) A new sexual-harassment training video/seminar
2) Another PR team to try to spin this whole debacle of a contest into a positive light
3) A direct phone line to EA's legal depart to use before you try anymore PR stunts
4) Six copies of your game when it releases, since I know you've lost at least that many fans with this stunt
5) Or the next time you go to Hooters (for the wings, of course), leave a $240 tip for your waitress in a karmic way of balancing out what has been done to the booth babes of SDCC due to this contest


He adds: "There is a part of me that hopes I wasn't just "randomly chosen" and that you guys wanted to include my picture to help save face. That maybe on some level all the negative press and feedback actually got back to you guys and you were trying to include more than just guys drooling over girls."


However, he's not allowing them permission to use his photo. In that light, we're not gonna republish it either, you can see it and the remainder of his message back to Electronic Arts on his site.


Update: Runner-Up for #Lust Contest [GayGamer.Net]