Earlier this month, a Twitter user in Japan uploaded a photo of a "bunny smartphone case." The image was retweeted over 37,000 times and, of course, has spawned a meme. Of course!
Here is the pic that started it all.
[Photo: ryooneokrock1]
But hey, these are real animals. And they have feelings. They're not smartphone cases. Though, maybe their ears help with the phone's reception? (No! No, they don't!)
It goes without saying that people aren't actually using rabbits as real smartphone cases—like, carrying them around and whatnot. For better or worse, these are photo-ops.
[Photo: rin72chaan]
And yes, other Japanese Twitter users followed suit.
As website News Gamme reports, the meme appears to have caught on in China, where people are uploading their photos to the country's micro-blogging service, Weibo.
But in Japan, the trend doesn't appear to have stopped at bunnies. There are cat smartphone cases, too, it seems.
[Photo: choro_o]
超夯的《兔子手機殼》這種手機殼不是人人有呀(羨慕)[News Gamme]
Top photo: Weibo
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