Stacie Ponder's discussions

Stacie Ponder
Stacie Ponder is a writer, artist, gamer, and swamp hag best known for her long-running horror blog Final Girl ( and her love of pizza.

I generally avoid PvP in this game, but I decided to finally suck it up to nab my powerful engrams. Holy heck, Gambit is a lot of fun. Chaotic enough to keep you on your toes, and the ample PvE elements mean I can contribute a lot to the team even without mad shotgun skillz.
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Alan Wake uses the “light” to fight off the “darkness” and the “Taken.” Hmm maybe Destiny has been an Alan Wake sequel all along and we never noticed.
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It means player servers will no longer host if the “host” quits (or loses connection), the match won’t end. If an angry Jason host quits, the counselors will survive. If a counselor host gets killed and quits, the match will still continue. Lots more stability!
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They actually still last many hours per charge, I have no complaints at all! I’ve tried to get lots of people I know who buy AAs in bulk for gaming to switch. It’s better for your wallet, for the environment, everything.
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I’ve been using the same four rechargeable AA batteries since the Xbox 360 era. Spent maybe $18 for the kit, it’s all lasted me more than ten years, and I don’t have to worry about battery disposal. When the two in my controller die, I just swap them with the two full ones waiting in the charger. You, too, can be Read more

The game is still playable. There are bugs, inevitably, but the developers are still working on fixes. Servers are still up and so far there’s been nothing said about the game going offline. The devs are also working to make dedicated servers a reality. There just won’t be any more DLC.
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...the food leitmotif: Demon’s damn enchiladas, Ethel dead in her beloved stew, Lana primping in the restaurant, and of course Joey’s melting candybar. Metaphorically, this echoes the idea that audiences being fed the same Friday the 13th film repeatedly is...
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Nay, it was written for today, promise! I felt I would be remiss if I, a humble horror nerd, let today pass by without posting something F13 related. Strangely enough, this video game site wanted a piece about the video game and not my proposed 20,000 word thesis about how much I love Part V: A New Beginning. That Read more

Ah, good to know, thanks! Guess I’ve always given it to Matt (not that it helped him in my playthroughs...)
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It is possible! It’s also possible for no one to survive.
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I know lots of people who don’t find the film scary at all for whatever reason, and I get it–like what’s “funny,” what’s “scary” is so subjective. But The Exorcist has always gotten under my skin. The demon face that flashes during a dream sequence still haunts me!
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I’m only a fan of jump scares when they’re used well and *very* sparingly in both games and movies–tension and atmosphere all the way, please.
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When you start a new community after finishing a legacy campaign, it skips the opening tutorial (in the refugee camp) and starts on one of the two maps you didn’t choose first time around. You can also bring over up to three of your survivor characters from the first campaign, and they’ll have whatever equipment they Read more

Yeah, all the info provided by Undead Labs says Windows 10. Sorry!
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I think if you enjoyed State of Decay, you’ll dig 2 as the mechanics and framework are largely the same with more options for base-building. The bugs definitely hurt it–there are a lot–but it’s been updated once, the devs will continue to do so, and like the first game, I think it’ll get more stable as it ages.

I also Read more

I think people react to and interpret art and entertainment in a variety of ways. If film theory is a legitimate discipline, then why not video game theory? It certainly doesn’t apply to every game, and sometimes symbolism can be a real reach. I’m not claiming that, you know, Tetris is about man’s Sisyphean struggles Read more

I should honestly expect lackluster expansion campaign missions by now, but I’m disappointed every time. Once again, interesting characters are introduced, only to get zero development and end up useless. Ana Bray gets a nice intro cutscene, and then spends the rest of the campaign a-click-clackin’ on a keyboard and Read more