Dubbed “Metal Gear Cafe,” this temporary restaurant recently opened in Paris. Besides “Le Big Boss Burger,” there are also Phantom cocktails and Mother Base themed desserts (above). And yes, it’s serving up “hot Diamond Dogs.”
[Photo: Kaizerkunkun]
[Photo: Kaizerkunkun]
[Photo: NAYSHOW]
[Photo: Shinkendo]
The Metal Gear Cafe will be open until the game is released on September 1, so you don’t have much more time to sneak over for a meal. But let’s hope the service is good and doesn’t keep you waiting, huh?
[Photo: Kaizerkunkun]
[Photo: NAYSHOW]
[Photo: NAYSHOW]
Update: Kotaku reader Romain Tanguy sent along these photos of the Metal Gear Store that also went up in Paris. The shop is filled with neat MGS decor and also also unique Metal Gear goods for sale.
Top photo: Konami France
To contact the author of this post, write to bashcraftATkotaku.com or find him on Twitter@Brian_Ashcraft.