"Premium Edition" bundles often include statues or plastic weaponry. They're a way for fans to feel closer to the game—and a way for publisher to milk extra money from said fans. And boy does Capcom love milking money!
And with this bundle, Capcom is going to milk a lot of it.
The upcoming Premium Edition for survival horror game Resident Evil 6 comes with a copy of the game, four different RE6 branded tablet covers (a Chris version, a Leon version, a Jake version, and a Secret version), and a Leon leather jacket.
An actual replica of Leon's in-game duds, the jacket comes in small, medium, large, and extra large.
The price for this limited edition bundle? A cool ¥105,000 or US$1,293. The bundle is available through Capcom's online site, e-Capcom. But good news, free shipping!