Sadly, it seems I missed Slacktory's excellent "What Your Favorite Video Game (Series) Says About You" feature from a few weeks back.
Sure, not every one of them is entirely accurate - or even remotely accurate - but the ones it gets right, it gets right. And even the ones it gets wrong can be pretty funny.
Some of the best include:
Leisure Suit Larry: You forward jokes about Obama to your family.
Portal: You've started a Twitter hashtag game.
BioShock: You're not an asshole, you just think that without government subsidies of big business, capitalism would be less vilified.
Battlefield: You don't give a shit about craft beers.
Mirror's Edge: You eat dark chocolate.
Gran Turismo: Sometimes you have to recite parts of the alphabet to yourself.
See? Pretty gooooooodddd. Check the full list out below.
What Your Favorite Video Game (Series) Says About You [Slacktory]