Tonight's open thread has a theme. It's a recurring theme, the kind of thing we do on Tuesdays. I ask "What have you been watching?" Here, I'll start.
This weekend, I went on something of an '80s tear, watching The Terminator, Back to the Future and numerous episodes of Cheers. Most were streamed through Netflix, most were half-watched as I worked on other things on my iMac. Then I got caught up in Wikipedia, Rottentomatoes and IMDB, fully wasting much of my off-time. Gotta make sure that doesn't happen again this weekend...
Anyway! So, what are you watching? If you're not a fan of movies, television, plays or drying paint, here are some other things to talk about.
- Today Now! Interviews The 5-Year-Old Screenwriter Of "Fast Five" - So so so so great.
- Friendster To Erase All User Photos, Blogs And More On May 31 - A reminder that Friendster still exists but is changing to "focus mainly on Asian users."
- New X-Men: First Class trailer is... I don't know - I'm having a really hard time getting excited about this.
- Listen to the new Fleet Foxes album here - If you want. I think it's pretty catchy!
- Ira Glass has some advice for beginners - For creative types or people struggling to learn a craft, read this.