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A Video Tour Of A Halo Fan's 'UNSC Man Cave'

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One man is taking the impending launch of Halo: Reach very, very seriously, building a high tech, Halo-themed hovel full of cheaply acquired home theater equipment and shelves stuffed with female repellent. This is the "UNSC Man Cave."

In addition to a 150" projector screen, a 7.1 surround sound system and custom artwork all over the damn place, tons of Master Chief action figures line the walls and a custom Xbox 360 cooling stand rounds out Donkiekong76's custom-built nerd space. Something tells me someone's taking off September 14 for a full day's worth of Halo: Reach.


Add a fridge full of Mountain Dew—he did, apparently—some cargo shorts and a bushy beard, and you've got everything on the list crossed off. Thanks to Malcom for the heads up.