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This Jacket Is No Longer Two-Of-A-Kind

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Thought this was a two-of-a-kind jacket? It's not really.

The jacket s worn by Chuck Greene, the protagonist of zombie game Dead Rising 2. The form-fitting black and yellow jacket was designed by Dead Rising creator Keiji Inafune and produced by famed Japanese leather works company Kadoya Leather Wear.


At last year's Tokyo Game Show, Keiji Inafune told a room full of people that these jackets would "forever" be two-of-a-kind. Though Inafune added that if there is enough demand he may have some replicas made. Those, however, won't be the originals — or rather, prototypes.


Apparently there is enough demand. There will be these jackets: Made by Kadoya, designed by Inafune and worn by the Dead Rising 2 hero. Just like the two-of-a-kind jackets! So the difference is...? Not much, and I'd now be hesitant to call those two-of-a-kind jackets precisely that.


Priced at ¥26,250 (US$281), the jackets will go on sale this September. Pre-orders start this month via Capcom's online shop. How many do you think Capcom will sell?

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