Trying before you buy. You might not be able to do that with upcoming multi-platform shooter Borderlands.
According to Gearbox's Mikey Neumann, "We talk about a demo every day. We would love to do a demo. There's obviously factors there. If and when we do one, I don't know if it'd be pre-launch or post-launch, because ...there's a lot of factors there."
There are a lot of factors? There must be — Neumann said that twice.
"We would love to promise a demo, we can't quite yet, we just want to get the game done," he adds. "That's always the hardest thing for developers to do—you never quite know how the time's going to work out. We're doing really well, but I can't promise it."
Borderlands will be out this October.
Borderlands Interview: Gearbox's 'Games Are Fun' Epiphany and Why It's Already Thinking DLC [ShackNews]