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Register Extremely Early For PAX East

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The website for the East Coast version of the Penny Arcade Expo quietly went live last week, with registrations now being accepted for the 2010 event.

The Penny Arcade boys are giving the East Coast a little loving in 2010, with PAX East taking place at the
Hynes Convention Center in Boston from March 26th through to the 28th. So far there's no information on who is attending, which hotels are participating, or what you'll be doing should you choose to attend, but judging by the insane amount of fun the West Coast folks and migratory East Coasters have been having over the past few years, it shall be an event to remember, or not remember, depending on which parties you attend.

Those of you who are 100% certain you'll be free next March can go ahead and pre-register now, with one day tickets setting you back $30 and the three-day pass a bargain at $50. Pre-register early and secure your chance to tell everyone you've pre-registered early!


PAX East [Official Website - Thanks eye-shuh!]