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Microsoft Won't Kill New Game Franchises

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The economy is in the toilet. The safe thing might be to stick with what's proven and not venture into virgin territory. Then again, maybe not.

Microsoft exec Chris Lewis says his company will "continue to innovate and focus on exciting IP for the future." Why?

"I think all the big, mature companies are thinking that way — because if we're in the eye of the storm right now in terms of the economic situation, then clearly we'll come out... The healthy companies will be the ones that have invested sufficiently during that phase that they've got exciting IP and innovative things happening for when that recovery starts to happen. I don't know when that is... I'd love to know, but I tend to think very positively about the opportunities that it subsequently creates."


So those companies that are able to weather this economic shitstorm and continue to develop new games will come out on top. That's some multi-tasking!

Microsoft: We won't sacrifice original IP [GamesIndustry]