Consider this littlebigrumor for now, but it looks like the Sackboy cross-promotion won't be stopping anytime soon. PlayStation-centric site PSN! is reporting that the star of LittleBigPlanet is going to hit the virtual links soon.
The Spanish PlayStation site writes today that Sackboy will join God of War series star Kratos as a downloadable golfer in Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds. Sounds perfectly reasonable to us — and far more fitting than the Greek god of war or Darkstalkers' Morrigan landing birdies. We'd expect to see many, many more appearances in first-party PlayStation 3 games on par with this one.
For the record, PSN is the same outlet that ran that Street Fighter Sackboy rumor, for whatever that's worth.
Rumor: Sackboy como personaje invitado de Everybody’s Golf [PSnow - thanks, Macrike!]