Pokémon debuted in Japan back in 1995, causing a kid frenzy. Meaning? Those kids aren't kids aren't kids anymore. Some of them are adults! Via game forum NeoGAF comes this announcement:
The Pok´mon Company has announced Pokémon 151, a new brand intended for adult Pokémon fans. An official Web site opens Thursday, and Japanese Pokémon Center stores have begun selling four types of stylized T-shirts. In addition, a Diamond and Pearl battle tournament for ages 15 and up will be held at the Tokyo store July 4.
The four T-shirts currently available for pre-sale feature stylized designs of Hypno, Cubone, Articuno and Mewtwo, respectively.
Yep, Japan only for the time being. Hit the jump for two more shirts.
Pokemon Shirts [Bulba News via NeoGAF via Go Nintendo Thanks, Karoshi!]