To: Brian From: Luke Re: Iron Man Iron Man? Please. Get back to me when he can play Fairies Wear Boots. I kid. That's awesome. So, big event for the night was the rollout of the New Xbox Experience. Least, it was for the readers. You and me, we've had it for a couple of weeks now, so we've had time to get to grips with it. And I don't know about you, but it's really grown on me, I really like it. Wanna know what I think is the best part? It's not the avatars. Not the installation, either. It's 1680x1050. That's my monitor's native resolution. Also its maximum resolution. I play my 360 hooked up to it (makes work easier), and until the NXE hit, my view of the 360's world had always been a little blurry, a little stretched. Now? It's like it should be. Kinda sad that I'm so excited about a firmware update improving support for a console playing on a PC monitor, but hey, that's how it is at my place. Here's what you missed: Xbox 360 Netflix Offerings Gutted Of Columbia Pictures Flicks Wish We Had The Japanese Street Fighter IV Box Art Guitar Hero Arcade: Some More Details, Some More Pics Our Spike TV Video Game Award Picks The Wii Enters Its Terrible Twos Today Countdown To The New Xbox Experience Game Boy Calculator Earns A Perfect 10 From The Nerd Judges
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