The sooner we all accept this, the sooner we can all move on.
Even as I’ve become more and more comfortable with Rocket League, scanning YouTube for highlights quickly reminds me that I’ll never, ever approach what some people are pulling off.
The score above is courtesy of Fyshokid, currently fifth on the ranked 3v3 leaderboards. (There are separate leaderboards for ranked and non-ranked matches.) It may be one of his better shots, but it’s hardly the only unbelievable thing he’s pulled off in Rocket League.
Take a look at this goal, for example:
Anyone who’s played a few hours of Rocket League has accidentally pulled off a hilarious trick shot, but folks like Fyshokid are doing this on a regular basis—this is not an accident of physics.
One reason folks like Fyshokid are so good is because they’ve been playing earlier versions of the game, and I’m not talking about the game’s beta or alpha. Rocket League is actually a sequel to a game most people haven’t heard of: Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-cars.
They’ve been practicing for a while now. (Rocket League is a far superior name!)
But it doesn’t make this shot from Kronovi, number one on ranked 2v2, any less impressive:
My jaw’s on the floor while watching these highlights because, like most players, I struggle to pull off shots on the ground, let alone sailing through the air. Piloting your car is not easy feat, yet Kronovi and Fyshokid make it seem utterly effortless.
God damn.
There’s plenty more where that came from, too.
Hey, at least I’ve got something to strive for?
You can reach the author of this post at or on Twitter at @patrickklepek.