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World Of Warcraft: Legion Realizes The Dream Of Widescreen Loading Graphics

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After years of clinging desperately to the squarish 4:3 aspect ratio, Blizzard’s World of Warcraft team finally let go, diving deep into glorious, modern monitor filling 16:9 for all of Legion’s loading screens.

It’s a bit jarring, really. As of the previous expansion pack, 2014's Warlords of Draenor, the only time a widescreen image was presented on loading were map screens upon entering a new continent. Otherwise, it was this:

But now, thanks to the magic of it being about damn time, Legion’s individual zones all get glorious widescreen, wallpaper-ready loading images.




If it’s all too much to take in, do not fret. The older areas, many of which must be revisited for Legion quests, are still embraced by that reassuring void.