Aside from being one of the dullest entries in the best-selling series, Assassin's Creed Unity appears to be riddled with bugs. While some of these problems are funny, others make the game hard to play. Today, Ubisoft is talking about how they're going to start fixing the newest Assassin's Creed game.
A blog post on the official Assassin's Creed blog says that a patch is incoming—though no timeframe is given—that will address some of the more common problems plaguing the new release:
We are currently working on our next update that will help address some of the specific issues some players are having, including:
- Arno falling through the ground.
- Game crashing when joining a co-op session.
- Arno getting caught inside of hay carts.
- Delay in reaching the main menu screen at game start.
In addition, we are already looking into many of the other issues you've told us about and we have more updates planned. This list doesn't capture everything, but here are the most widely-reported problems we've heard about from you:
- Frame rate issues.
- Graphical and collision issues.
- Matchmaking co-op issues.
- Helix Credits issues.