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The PlayStation VR Outsold The PS4 In Japan

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During its first week on sale in Japan, the PlayStation VR sold 51,644 units. In comparison, the biggest selling hardware that week, the PlayStation 4, sold 30,154 units.

Via 4Gamer, here are the hardware sales for the week of October 10 to October 16. Note that the PSVR went on sale October 13.

PS VR: 51,644 units

PS4: 30,154

New 3DS XL: 15,905

Vita: 8,772

2DS: 8,203

New 3DS: 2,983

Wii U: 2,430

PS3: 814

3DS: 346

Xbox One: 323

3DS XL: 71

Those long launch day lines did translate into big PSVR sales.