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The New Yorker: Dude Huge Looks Like Boyish Model Or Weed Dealer

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The latest entry in our cosplay contest comes via The New Yorker. Dude Huge has dressed up in a Gears of War costume, only to march around the Epic offices, repeatedly screaming, "Eat shit and die." Sadly, since Huge forgot to hold up a Kotaku sign, his entry is disqualified — embarrassing, we know. He can take consolation in his The New York profile, which gets florid with its DH description:

His current haircut is short and cowlicked, his bangs twirled up into a tiny moussed horn. He was wearing what in my high school would have been called "exchange-student jeans"-obviously expensive but slightly the wrong color and of a somehow non-American cut. Beneath a tight, fashionably out-of-style black nylon jacket was a T-shirt that read "TECHNOLOGY!" His sunglasses were of the oversized, county-sheriff variety, and each of his earlobes held a small, bright diamond earring. He could have been either a boyish Dolce & Gabbana model or a small-town weed dealer.

They're really batting fly balls here. Incisive blog Magical Wasteland has an incisive look at The New Yorker piece. P.S. If anyone has that Dude Huge dress-up picture at 1000 pixels or larger, please send it our way. We'd totally appreciate it. The Grammar of Fun [The New Yorker]
