Over the weekend, Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy VII was coming to the PlayStation 4. It's not a remake, but the PC version. Did the internet have anything to say about that? You betcha.
Final Fantasy VII launched on the original PlayStation way back in 1997. For years, gamers have been asking for a remake. In fact, the game is the most wanted PlayStation 4 remake in Japan.
So, understandably, people were extremely excited when they see the words "Final Fantasy VII" flash on the screen at the recent PlayStation Experience event. As Kotaku first pointed out, the crowd reaction to the announcement was, well, best summed up in this GIF courtesy of Mike Fahey:
You can relive the disappointment right here.
Folks aren't exactly thrilled by the announcement! As of posting, the official trailer has over 13,000 dislikes on YouTube and 2,000 likes.
And like the top image created by Twitter user Kawet, people expressed their feelings online. Here's the reaction from around the internet:
[via elyzianfields@Kinja]
[via Reddit]
[via arnheim@Kinja]
[via NeoGAF]
[via Reddit]
[via Reddit]
[via はちま起稿]
[via Marusame@Kinja]
Kotaku is running a 'shop contest for the "worst" Final Fantasy VII announcement. Have a look!
Top photo: Kawet@Twitter
To contact the author of this post, write to bashcraftATkotaku.com or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.