As reported on Games in Asia (via Venture Beat) this unofficial recreation costs about 300RMB or $49. With it you get two sets of every class' card, four of every normal and legendary, and extras for the ones with multiple spawns (like good old Unleash The Hounds).
This post originally appeared on Kotaku UK.
For things like status effects, such as Taunt or Deathrattle, there are tokens while a set of wheels can be clicked around to show health and attack. According to a play test there are enough bits for "each player to have seven minions on the board at once; tokens to count bonus spell damage; and a mechanic for drawing random cards like you'd need to for the Priest's Mind Vision".
It's all built off a pre-Curse of Naxxramas build, so it's already quite outdated compared to the current official game.
The main drawback overall is that all those cards, wheels, tokens and other physical faff mean that a 30 second digital turn takes upwards of five minutes here.
This post originally appeared on Kotaku UK, bringing you original reporting, game culture and humour with a U from the British isles. Follow them on @Kotaku_UK.
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