Just because you're on the internet doesn't mean you don't have to be careful about what you say. Too bad some people learn this lesson the hard way.
Alltime10s has an interesting countdown that details the many ways people have gotten into legal hot water because of things they did on Facebook. It's kind of fascinating. The list includes:
- When a Facebook event called 'Attack a Teacher Day' got six teens/preteens arrested in 2011.
- When a student created a Facebook post that ranked female classmates based on looks and, as a result, got arrested in 2011.
- When a woman got arrested for allegedly bragging on Facebook about smashing a glass on another woman's face during a barfight.
- When a pair of men got arrested for trying to use Facebook to incite disorder during the 2011 UK riots.
- When a woman was jailed after commenting 'LOL' on posts about her DUI charges.
- When a teen got arrested for posting a rap on Facebook that had a line about how he would do something worse than the Boston bombings.
- When a man was arrested for posting on Facebook about how he wished his prime minister would die.
- How a woman got her ex arrested after setting up a fake profile to get him to make threats on her life.
- How a medical technician had to do 200 hours of community service after uploading a picture to Facebook that showed strangled woman.
- How a woman got arrested after trying to hire a hitman on Facebook.
Truthfully, many of these are a case of making bad life decisions. It's kind of hard to have sympathy for some of these incidents. Why in the world would you try to hire a hitman on Facebook, for example? But still: damn. Be mindful of what you say on social media, folks.
10 Ways Facebook Can Get You Arrested [AllTime10s]