Street Fighter X Tekken came out in 2012. But Tekken X Street Fighter, which was announced at the same time, is still M.I.A. In a recent interview, Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada tells GameSpot that the game has been iced for the time being.
When asked about the game’s status, Harada replied (via Tekken Team member Michael Murray), “It’s pretty difficult to answer. Because when we develop fighting games, we try to keep the core community in mind and the general audience who likes to play these games. But, currently, the situation is with fighting games, you have Street Fighter V that was just released and a lot of people are playing that fervently. We have a large crowd out there that is waiting for Tekken 7. So, we don’t want to split these communities. So, the window that is a good window to release Tekken X Street Fighter is something that has become much more difficult. So, it’s kind of on hold for the moment, I guess you could say.”
Even as far back as 2011, Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono said that Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter were on independent timetables with each being developed separately. Back in 2012, Harada joked that the game wouldn’t be out until 2018 and in 2013, he said they were looking for the “right” moment to release. 2018? There’s still time!
In case you missed it, you can read Kotaku’s Street Fighter X Tekken review right here.