Last night Ashcraft was quick to post details from the official statement Tecmo posted on their Japanese site in regards to Tomonobu Itagaki's decision to sue and quit the company.
Tecmo just sent along another statement, this one in English, which includes the fact that Itagaki's last day is July 1 and that the Team NINJA team is still "intact" and working on several new projects.
The full statement is on the jump.
On June 3, 2008, Tomonobu Itagaki, Executive Producer of Tecmo, LTD.(Tokyo, Japan) owned development studio Team NINJA, submitted his resignation. Due to the fact that he had recently filed a legal complaint against Tecmo, LTD., there was no choice but to accept his resignation. His resignation is effective July 1, 2008.
The legal complaint is in regards to a claim to an incentive bonus linked to a past project. The parties could not reach an amicable resolution to this matter and Itagaki chose to seek a legal remedy. Tecmo, LTD. will let the court decide the outcome of this case and will seek a true, fair, and quick resolution.
Most importantly, Tecmo, LTD. would like to assure its loyal fans that Team NINJA, known for its top selling and critically acclaimed Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive franchises, is intact and, as a matter of fact, have several new projects already underway. Team NINJA is, more than ever, committed to producing compelling and cutting edge games in order to maintain its reputation as a high quality developer and to continue to receive the support of its loyal fans.
Itagaki Leaving Tecmo, Suing Tecmo [Kotaku]