Earlier, a SEGA countdown clock appeared. Ungh, we know. Countdown clocks are annoying! We hate them. Thank goodness…
Please do not purchase a copy of Virtual On Oratorio Tangram on Xbox Live this week. You'll regret it. Sega's hi-def…
So, Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram has a "devoted fanbase," which in peripheral makers' lexicon means "cash geyser."…
Free of cutscenes, title screens and marketing fluff, here's 90 seconds of gameplay footage from Sega's upcoming HD…
The Xbox Live Arcade library expands this week with the highly anticipated arrival of much beloved classics Cyber…
In case you couldn't tell, we're excited about the impending return of Virtual On, with Oratorio Tangram about to be…
Virtual On is great. Its return, a blessing. But also a curse! See, part of what made Virtual On so great in the…
While dedicated Twin Stick controllers for the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade re-release of Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram…
The dream of playing Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram for the Xbox 360 as it was intended, with arcade-style twin…
Defying all odds (and expectations), Sega are answering our prayers and bringing Virtual On to the 360, in the form…
Don't fault us for being extremely excited about the prospects of Virtual On battles via Xbox Live Arcade. Instead,…
It's true. Sega is bringing Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, its hardcore arcade mech fighting game, to Xbox Live…